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Year 10

I am very excited about leading the year group through Year 10 and feel a great sense of pride over the mature and respectful nature that so many of our year group display. The growth they have displayed since taking over the year group in Year 8 is a huge testament to their hard work.

A reminder that if you have any issues, in the first instance, you should always email your child's tutor. If for any reason you need further support or advice, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me at

Year 10 is an exciting and crucial year in your child's education - with GCSE courses in full swing and PPE (mock) exams taking place this academic year - it is important to make note of the key dates listed below:

Parents Evenings:

· A side Wednesday 5th February

· B side Wednesday 12th February

· A side Wednesday 4th June

· B side Wednesday 11th June

Other important dates:

· Progress Trackers sent home: Monday 3rd February & Monday 2nd June

· Y10 Mentoring (selected student TBC): Weds 18th December, Thursday 13th February, Monday 30th June

· Y10 Information Evening: Monday 3rd February

· PPEs: 24th March – 4th April

Year 10 is also the first opportunity that students get to consider which college or Post-16 path they would like to choose. I will be informing them of multiple options and pathways throughout the coming year, but would strongly encourage you to sign up to the local college Open Evenings, and take your child with you to look around potential courses.

Mr Slack