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Pioneer Newsletter : December 2024

Hello Proud Pioneers!

What a fantastic term we’ve had so far!

I am thrilled to say that this term has been one of our most prosperous, successful and positive. We have had record attendance at house events and because of our consistency, we are currently leading in 1st place for House Cup Points earned at House Events!

Across the whole House competition, however, we are currently placing 2nd – Not too far away from Voyager on the top spot…we will get there!

To end our term, we had our end of term rewards assembly and students were able to read positive comments about themselves from their teachers and other school staff; highlighting their determination, kindness, dedication and generosity! The Head of House team made a series of goodie bags for selected winners which included a little bit of everything – some things you may need, some things you may want and some things that are a little bit fun!

Next term is going to be a busy one and it starts off with our PPE exams – Good luck to all our Y11s!

Wishing everyone a lovely holiday; a Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and a Happy New Year.

Miss Heath

12-12-2023 : Pioneer Newsletter : September 2023

Wow, Pioneer! What a fantastic first term you have had!

I have seen so many of your smiling faces at house events, after school clubs, in lessons and around school. Meeting you all, having conversations and seeing you enjoy yourselves in school is such a joy.

I’ve felt a huge sense of community this term. The Pioneer team – students, staff and tutors alike, are a formidable group and I want to say thank you to all of you. Additionally, thank you so much to our superb House Captain Zara, who has been working exceptionally hard to inform and encourage you all to support your house where possible; as well as providing a friendly face to many house events.

In terms of The House Cup, we have come back with a vengeance! Coming back from 4th and making our way to 3rd. I know it is only going to go up from here so well done!! Super proud of all of you earning House Cup Points for kindness, collaboration, commitment and courage.

All year groups are working exceptionally hard to earn house cup points, but a special shout out to Sam R in Y10 who is the first in Pioneer to earn 100 HCP! Very well done, Sam.

Finally, exciting news for Harrison B, Lucy M, Lyra W who have all secured a role in our upcoming Grease production. Huge congratulations to Evie R who will be playing Sandy. Can’t wait to see these Pioneer heroes in actions in the summer!

Have a wonderful Christmas and I will see you in January with our first house event which is KS4 Music!

Miss Heath

12-12-2023 : Pioneer Newsletter : September 2023

Wow, Pioneer! What a fantastic first term you have had!

I have seen so many of your smiling faces at house events, after school clubs, in lessons and around school. Meeting you all, having conversations and seeing you enjoy yourselves in school is such a joy.

I’ve felt a huge sense of community this term. The Pioneer team – students, staff and tutors alike, are a formidable group and I want to say thank you to all of you. Additionally, thank you so much to our superb House Captain Zara, who has been working exceptionally hard to inform and encourage you all to support your house where possible; as well as providing a friendly face to many house events.

In terms of The House Cup, we have come back with a vengeance! Coming back from 4th and making our way to 3rd. I know it is only going to go up from here so well done!! Super proud of all of you earning House Cup Points for kindness, collaboration, commitment and courage.

All year groups are working exceptionally hard to earn house cup points, but a special shout out to Sam R in Y10 who is the first in Pioneer to earn 100 HCP! Very well done, Sam.

Finally, exciting news for Harrison B, Lucy M, Lyra W who have all secured a role in our upcoming Grease production. Huge congratulations to Evie R who will be playing Sandy. Can’t wait to see these Pioneer heroes in actions in the summer!

Have a wonderful Christmas and I will see you in January with our first house event which is KS4 Music!

Miss Heath

07-12-2022 : Pioneer Newsletter : December 2022

Another brilliant month for Pioneer! 

We have had some incredible turnouts for house events, in particular our Year 7 footballers being the only tutor group so far to hit our target of 7 attendees! This competition will continue through to next half term so there is still opportunity for your tutor to win a prize for your tutor! A massive well done and thank you to all year 7's for their amazing support of the shoebox appeal- Mrs Moore was absolutely overwhelmed with the volume of gifts! We wish the best of luck to our Year 11 Pioneers preparing for their mocks in January- keep up the revision you will be amazing! 

A final thank you to every student who has designed and completed their sunflower and handed it to either their tutor or to me- I cannot wait to add these to our house display to show our support of St Michael's Hospice and to get to know you all a bit better! If yours is not quite finished please get these over to me as soon as possible!

11-11-2022 : Newsletter: Nov 2022

Well done to all for a brilliant start back to Brighton Hill with a fabulous first half term! We have had some incredible house events with stupendous Pioneer support which we will carry through to the Christmas break. A special well done to all of our Year 7 footballers, Chess players, Y10/11 Scientists, Y9 Footballers, Y9 Artists, and Y8 Footballers! Keep your eyes peeled for some exciting new challenges and competitions in the Winter months. 

11-10-2022 : Newsletter: Oct 2022

A massive congratulations to all of those who have come along to one of our brilliant house events this half term! We would love to see some more smiling Pioneer faces each week (remember its 10 house points and some wonderful memories for each attendee!) Miss Arundale, Head of Pioneer

And now for an update from our House Reps:
Lyra W Y8: Hi! I'm Lyra, Pioneer's Year 8 representative. As a team Pioneers strive to achieve the best results for ourselves and our house. We believe that if we work hard and as a team, we can achieve anything, even winning the house cup! Together we look forward to all of the challenges that may come our way and are excited for the coming years!
Evie R Y9: Hi! I'm Evie and I am the new Pioneer rep for Year 9. I want to make Pioneer House known throughout the school as the best house, and I know that we can achieve this! If anyone needs anything at any time, feel free to come and find me!
Cerys S Y10: Hello, I am Cerys and I represent Year 10 Pioneers. My goals are to get more of our Pioneer team involved with out of classroom activities such as our Friday house competitions, I would also like to see us earn as many house points as possible. That way we can be the best house simply by being our best selves and putting our best foot forward with our green planners and smiling faces!
Harrie CW Y11: Hi, I'm Harry and I am Pioneer's House Captain! If you need anything I am always here to talk. Go Pioneer!

21-09-2022 : Newsletter: Sept 2022

Here we go for another wonderful year of being in Horizon! We ended up narrowly bottom of the standings in the House Cup table last year, but the enthusiasm I have seen from students already has given me no doubt that we won't be there again come July. It has been amazing to see the new Year 7 students proudly wearing their House colours and to hear their excitement at being in Horizon and I'm sure that excitement is going to carry us to a win - I've already started drafting my victory speech. 

We have so many House events coming up over the next month, kicking off with Year 11 Football in the first week. I've had a glance at the squad and I'm looking forward to seeing some glorious football out on the pitch (hopefully it doesn't rain!) We then have events for every single year group over the next few weeks and I know that we're going to get off to such a strong start that Horizon will be top of the leader board by the end of the month!

10-05-2022 : What a great start to Term 3!

The Sun is shining and our wonderful Pioneer's are out supporting their team! A huge well done to our Year 8 Pioneer's for enjoying the glorious summer Sun with a fierce game of rounders! As a team let's bring it home with a massive final push so we can relive the glory of last year! Continue to rack up those house points in lesson and around school by demonstrating our 4 cornerstones: kindness, collaboration, courage, and commitment as we know

kindness always wins!

07-04-2022 : Another term gone!

Another term gone! Congratulations to all of our wonderful Pioneers for making it through the cold months of January as we welcome the brighter months of Spring! Our students have done a brilliant job of representing our school values should feel very proud. Indeed they have shown their commitment every Friday, building a team to tackle the House competitions from Drama to Badminton to Science, our Pioneers have shown up and done incredibly well! Let's bring the same attitude next term and have a brilliant end to the year!

19-08-2021 : Pioneer

Welcome to Pioneer House! 

Greta Thunberg is our house ambassador, as she is a perfect representation of Brighton Hill’s four cornerstones. She has shown great courage, speaking up about global concerns to our world leaders even when people have said that it is not her place. She has shown 100% commitment to her cause, going on marches in the cold and wet. On a daily basis she collaborates with world leaders, politicians, scientists, and even musicians, doing everything she can to spread her message. And with every action and every work Greta shows kindness. Kindness to the future, kindness to the planet, and kindness to people she disagrees with.  

What better person to have as a role model for our Pioneers to look up to throughout their years at Brighton Hill! As Pioneers come together for house challenges and support each other in class we see their Pioneer spirit use these cornerstones to make success inevitable in every challenge they undertake, as you know… kindness always wins!