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Extra Curricular Enrichment

At Brighton Hill Community School, we are proud to be able to offer a wider range of enrichment activities to supplement their classroom learning and provide them with a rich array of experiences that they might not otherwise be exposed to.

In addition to this, Brighton Hill Community School is committed to offering a range of residential and non-residential trips and visits to its students. These include, but are not limited to:


Year 11 History trip to Ypres & Somme

Year 11 Geography field trip to Lee-on-Solent


Year 9 ‘Meet the Author’ trip to Winchester Guildhall

Years 9, 10 and 11 trip to watch a theatre performance of ‘Blood Brothers’ (studied at Key Stage 4)


Participation in the Carol Concert at All Saints Church, Basingstoke

Year 10-11 trip to see a performance of Wicked at the Mayflower Theatre, Southampton


  • Year 10 trip to Winchester University to gain an insight into university life
  • Year 8 trip to Winchester University to provide students with an insight into the possibility of university study post-Key Stage 5


Year 8 trip to London – a trip set up collaboratively by English, Drama and Art to provide an opportunity to build students’ cultural capital

Modern Foreign Languages

Year 8 and 9 residential trip to northern France to provide students with an opportunity to experience ‘everyday life’ in France

Other opportunities

  • Years 8-10 reward trip to Thorpe Park for the top 10 students in each year group with the most house cup points
  • Year 7 Camp residential trip to boost students’ resilience and team-working skills
  • Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh award – a series of residential trips and challenges to enable students to achieve their Bronze Award
  • Year 10 Young Enterprise trip to the Malls, Basingstoke
  • Year 8-11 residential ski trip to Austria or France